
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Dry Fly Bluegills in November (And Some Trout Stuff)

 My dad and I chased a bite today. If you are a fisherman you know it is a bad idea to do it because you're bound to hear things like "It was so much better last week". This one was even riskier because the big trout bite was in Chatfield Hollow, a place that hasn't treated me well. Today I managed one very wild looking rainbow and a few takes from big browns. After a valiant effort we went to fish or bluegills. We did not know the awesomeness we were about to encounter,

We got to the panfish pond expecting to fish nymphs and streamers and to catch a few bluegills and maybe some crappie or bass. 

It was my dad that tied on a dry first. I watched him cast it out onto the flat dark water, then it happened. In 7 feet of water, about 50 degrees near the surface, in early November, a bluegill poked up his head and ate the dry fly. I kept trying with nymphs. They just didn't work, so I tied on a dry fly too. It was quite awesome, really. The bite was only a little slower than it is in the summer. numerous bluegills and pumpkinseeds came to hand. The best flies for me were klinkhammers and ants.

The craziest thing happened. I cast my little black ant towards a drop off. A little dimple signified the take. I set the hook and one of the last things I expected to take a size 18 ant began somersaulting across the smooth surface. A crappie on a small dry! Crazy.

I think I quit fishing ponds too early most years! This has been awesome.


  1. RM
    Dries landing gills I might understand, but crappie taking a small dry is extremely unusual. You have give me info. that is worth trying. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank,
      Yeah it's a rarity. I honestly don't think it would be a repeatable occurrence.

  2. That was great! I like the person on the dock with the paint brush, should have had a rod in the other hand. Great photos!
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

    1. Thanks,
      Painting and fishing go well together as hobbies ad you well know!

  3. Have to admit to you that I am envious of anyone who is able to fish floating patterns for Bluegill this time of year. Great work.................

    I know a pond near my home. Just sayin'........................

    1. It is something I typically am not doing this time of year, I think I need to examine late season pond and lake fishing a little more.
