
Sunday, June 25, 2017

We Have it Bad

You know you got it bad when and hour and a half of sleep is enough.
You know you got it bad when it's 3:25 P.M. and the only thing you had too eat so far today was one scone.
You know you got it bad when the lot attendant says "35" and you fork it over without thinking twice. After all, you didn't come all this way not to fish.
You know you got it bad when you're soaked and shivering on a sunny day in late June.
You know you got it bad when you curse out the lot attendants and scream hallelujah when you hook the first striper off of your favorite muscle bar.
You know you got it bad when you wake up at 5:00 P.M. and tell your mother to put the pastrami grinder 3ft out from the shore but not completely submerged so it stays cold. (It really made sense to me until I was dragged quickly out of my slumber by the boiling heat. Then I felt a little bit stupid.)

And you really know you got it bad when you plan to get up at 4:00 the next morning to make another go at it.

"A sight for sore eyes, to the blind, would be awful majestic
It would be the most beautiful thing that they ever had seen" -Wax Fang, "Majestic"


  1. I'd say you've got it bad and that's a good thing. When one has the passion the craft will succeed. Beautiful fish!
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

    1. Eh... it's hard not to look at myself in the mirror and ask what the hell I'm doing.
