
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Florida: One Eyed Willy, the Snook Slayer

As I sit here in a hotel room just outside of State College, PA, with a soft snow falling outside, and some Scottish guy talking about being struck by lightning on the television, thinking about how good the fishing could be tomorrow, it is hard to think of exactly what to write about Noah and my second to last day of snook fishing the Charlotte Harbor area. Honestly, I wasn't going to make this a very long or in depth post anyway because no matter what I do the next one is going to overshadow it.

So, I may as well just make this one funny.

Meet One Eyed Willy, the Snook Slayer. Willy was born to be a big water trout catcher. But he would meet his end in south Florida after a very successful career in fooling common snook.

Exactly what happened to One Eyed Willy's second eye is up to some speculation. Did he loose it from bouncing of a submerged log? Or when a big snooked slammed him? Or was it the doing of the hard jaws of a gar? We will never know.

But I can say without doubt that One Eyed Willy could fool snook with the best of them.

Centropomus undecimalis

When tossed under structure like this...

... One Eyed Willy was sure to draw out a hungry line sider.

So. What was the fate of One Eyed Willy? 

I'm actually not kidding, I don't know what I did with that damned fly. It was the only gamechanger that size I was carrying. I really don't know where I put it. I didn't loose it in a snag, I didn't break off any fish. It just disappeared. 

Where are you, One Eyed Willy? 


  1. Hilarious! Maybe that's why they ate him with such vigor - they figured "that fish cant see out the left side"... :)

    1. The way he swam would have made it look like that with or without two eyes!

  2. Well, you do have the advantage of making another Willy. I just hate loosing a productive fly.
    Hope you enjoy the seminar and all the snow.
    Tie, fish, write, conserve and photo on...

    1. There is only one One Eyed Willy... wait, that's not true at all.
