Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Brookies

The tradition of holiday fishing continues. Today I was joined by my brother who did some photography and was kind enough to let me use it, so that is where the last pictures came from. There were quite a few fish willing to take, including the very dark brooky who came up twice for a black gnat. I should probably use that pattern more often!

Brook trout can fly! Don't worry, he landed safely in the water after popping off the barbless hook.


  1. Lookin' good ! Sometimes I'm just amazed at the fish coming out of those little waterways !

    Great pix, too, MRL !

    - G.

  2. Great photography! It seems like you had an awesome Easter outing, and I especially like the colors of the dark brookie and the symmetry of the third one.

  3. RM
    Just trying to analyze why some of the brook you landed were lighter than the darker one. Beautiful area you were fishing; I fish a black gnat similar for the bluegill I got after, the one in your image is similar. Thanks for shairng

    1. I think they can change color withing a fairly short period of time, the others were all sitting on light colored sandy bottom but the dark one was on a darker stony bottom.
      Thank you.

  4. You compliment each other. Great little spring beauties. The photos of you are telling a great story. Thanks for the adventure and great photos ML.
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...
