Thursday, April 30, 2015

Panfish Over Carp

Today was a bit to windy for sight fishing, at least for my tastes, so I did some dapping for bluegills and crappie. I saw some carp now and then, but feeding was clearly not on their agendas. I used some dries and some nymphs for the panfish, and it was just plain, old fashioned fun. Could have done it with a pole and meal worms and had just as much fun, maybe more. Tomorrow: my first ever attempt to really target sea run brown trout. Wish me luck!


  1. RM
    Got to love those bluegill on the fly, even over carp!!!

  2. Catching panfish always makes me think of my childhood and how I started fishing. Always makes me smile. Good luck!

  3. Nothing wrong with catching the fiesty pan fish. This is what's so great about fishing, you never know what will be eating that fly. It's always a surprize to behold.
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...
