Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Small Water, Wild Char, and Shiny Insects

It has been a little while since I had indulged in a journey into brook trout forest, but today Salvelinus fontinalis called my name, and I picked up the little three weight and went for it. I would have no need to sink a fly to catch fish today, and the only fly I used was a light dear hair caddis. As I rigged up I watched caddis nymphs moving about in the clear as crystal water.

In went the caddis, out it came with wild char, then again and again and again. And the smallest was one of the prettiest fish I have ever seen. 

There were a lot of black winged damsels flying around. I have only ever noticed them in florescent green color. Some that I saw today were sapphire blue, others were black with white spots. Then I noticed that the blue and green ones were one in the same, they were actually changing color. I even caught one and it changed from green to a dull black. Fascinating and beautiful. 

There were also yellow sallies about. I flipped one over and that showed me why yellow stimulators work best this time of year. I caught one last brooky before calling it a day.


  1. Glad to see you back on the blue lines after a long hiatus. What a feeding frenzy! For a small stream that was quite a hatch...who says there aren't hatches on small streams? The colors on that first brookie are gorgeous, and I'm sure they looked even better in person. I'm figuring out quick that cameras don't do them justice. I saw a TON of those black winged damsels on a stream last week and didn't know what they were called...thanks for filling me in. Mine were a gorgeous blue as well.

    1. Thank you. There are hatches, but they are nothing like the hatches on big rivers. I take it you have never been on the water during a heavy mayfly hatch?

  2. Nice place. Yellow sallies are beautiful insects. Were the mosquitoes out in forces?

    1. Thanks,
      I'd imagine had I not been wearing spray things would have been far worse.

  3. Nice water, bugs and beautiful fish. Can it get any better than that? That stream is a heavan.
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...
