Tuesday, May 26, 2015


It has come to my attention as I have talked with other fisherman or other outdoors-men how little is understood by most about the native fish species that call CT home, and how those who know more than I need to be heard. This is something I want to fix. And how I plan to fix it is by writing a book. At first I wanted to just do a few articles for fishing magazines but I just couldn't fit what I wanted into a short piece, so I'm going long. This is going to be a long project.

I would much appreciate if any of those who read my blog could help. I'm looking for commercial fisherman, sport fisherman, guides, conservationists, and politicians whose work or lives are entwined with any and all native species. Any contacts would be so, so helpful. That includes people who fish or guide on waters out of state that still have strong populations of eels, Atlantic salmon, or brookies (including salters).

As I do work for this book I will add little updates, mostly short. I have to save most everything for the book. But some extra pictures and a few of my thoughts and experiences throughout this project will be shared here.


  1. This sounds like an awesome endeavor and one that is quite necessary. I wish you luck and cannot wait to read it! If you want some input, I would be glad to provide some via email. Just let me know what you are looking for. I can talk for days about threats to native brookies and poor state management, but not sure if you want that to be part of it. I have quite a few contacts you could use as well--some from ME, NH, MA, RI, and CT. Just shoot me an email if you want some names.

  2. A very ambitious project. Good luck with it.

    1. Thank you, and of course I will be in touch with you again soon!

  3. "A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step." Today you have taken that first step -- So proud of you, Connecticut Fly Angler and dedicated conservationist !

    - G.

    1. I think the first step was taken years ago, when I got my first look at the natural world I so love.

  4. RM
    What an ambitious adventure; looking forward to the read when you are finished.

  5. Great idea and good for you! I have been saying that I would like to write a book for years, but there's a big difference in saying something and actually doing something. Get after it and good luck!

    1. Thank you! I spent a lot of time doing much of the same. I just decided to get off my lay butt and just do it.

  6. Very cool - and very exciting to take on. Having published a good bit of work in my field, I know it's hard to do this and to take on a big project like that. The first step - is passion for the subject... you have that in spades. GO FOR IT!
    PS - Ironically I type this procrastinating work on a writing project, ha ha ha!

  7. We knew this day would come. You have the knowledge, experience and talent to write the first of many publications. "GO FOR IT" Doing what you love always finds rewards.
    Tie, fish, write, photo and publish on...

    1. Well you have more confidence than I, but of course I will do the best I can because this is something I find very important.
