Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Packed Day

Today I woke up and said "let's have a little adventure". My mother always told me to stop talking to my fishing rod...

I ate a bagel and packed up my equipment, some apples, and water. My fly rod and I headed down to a warm water pond, where I found some bedding bass to annoy. A white leech took the first fish of the day.

The fly was returned to the water over and over. It came back with a bluegill, a smaller bass, and a crappie

After the release of the crappie, I moved on. I went to a beaver pond that is fed by a small stream full of natives. I was hoping that bigger ones would reside in that deep never fished pound.... can't win um' all.

I went on to some place I was sure had fish. I found myself on an drop dead gorgeous little creek, catching the fat and colorful natives residing in it. It has amazed me how healthy the wild trout are this spring. Every one has had a big belly and has been full of fight. The Ausable bomber was the fly to use, and the char hit it with gusto. What fun it was!

I then moved on to another stream. This one has natives too, but none would eat. I caught chubs and salmon par. I reached a big stocked hole, and talked to a bait fisherman there. He had caught two brook trout to bring home for dinner, and told me he had seen some fish rise. I wasn't able to connect with any. On the way home I stopped and caught a bass, than had a big catfish steal my fly. I may return with something more formidable than 5x. 

A Master Fisherman