Friday, September 25, 2015

A Craving for Grass

No, not eating it, catching it... I have an almost incurable craving for grass carp. Why, you may ask, is it incurable? Well, the state of CT is rather lacking in grass carp. There are very few waters that contain them, and in most that do they are protected triploids intended for weed control. Add that with the fact that if I catch my first grasser, it absolutely must be on the fly, and my chances of finding one of these monstrous plant eaters on the end of my line is significantly unlikely.

The cause for this carp conundrum is the recent postings by Drew LooknFishy (
He's catching some pretty awesome grassers on the fly.

I do happen to know of two places that have grass carp that I could probably catch on the fly. I also know of numerous waters out of state that have grass carp. I doubt that I will have any luck catching on this year, so like wally in 2015, I am making Grass Carp my 2016 freshwater goal.
A backwater of a CT water body containing grass carp.


  1. Thanks for the shout out. Great goal for 2016. I know where there's a few so if you ever end up near the AR/LA border let me know.
