Saturday, September 5, 2015

Fall is Here!!!

Today I went for brookies. The streams I fished were ones I hadn't been to in a while. The reason is that they are a pain in the butt to fish in the summer. Low water is only half the problem. These streams that I fished today are the spawning grounds on suckers, fall fish, and red shiners that live in the biggest stream in the watershed, and by July they are big enough to be an annoyance. They jump all over the fly and, if I didn't know better, I'd think they had pushed all of the wild trout clear out of the stream. But if I'm persistent I can usually find some gorgeous native char.

The fish above nailed a soft hackle and ran me all over the pool. Usually I don't see fish this size here until they set up to spawn. The colors on him tell me that this will start to happen soon. So do the colorful leaves on the trees and on the rocks and water.

I found this snapping turtle upside down. At first I thought it was dead. Then it started to kick. I flipped him over and after hissing and snapping and collecting himself off he went.

I fished the big stream for a little while. It's brutally clear right now and the resident smallmouth and salmon par were difficult to catch but not impossible.

The final fish of the day was this chunky brown, which nailed a Soft Hackle PT. He was cruising about the pool and chasing smaller fish around. Aggressive and quit big for the stream. Everything I saw, heard, and smelled today said "fall is here!". I'm excited.


  1. You are so right about Fall, I saw and felt it about mid week. I love this season! Thanks for the small stream trip. Nice catches!
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

  2. Man we need rain. I hope we get some quickly.

  3. Wow those streams are low. You still got some gorgeous fish, though, especially that good sized male. He is a special one. I was able to sneak in a trip for a few hours this morning to my favorite stream, only to find pools that once held large fish to be barely a foot deep and devoid of fish. Was able to get 2 and hooked a big, bright orange male who leaped out of the water, but got off. It l wasn't a skunk, but not a very productive outing. I think most of the fish have gone into the larger river due to the low water. Pray for rain!

    1. We just need more water... is that so much to ask for.
