Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sometimes Things Go Wrong

I wish I could say I was in Rangeley right now. But sometimes life throws a curve ball. In this case the curve ball came in the form of a serious health scare. This has never been a place where I share personal information so I don't feel like going into details, but everybody is fine now. For my family members that read regularly everything is fine, those who need to know what happened already do, no worried phone calls needed.

The trip has been delayed and at the moment we don't know exactly when we will be able to leave. So we're stuck in hot an sweaty CT for now. I had to drown my sorrows yesterday, and I tend to do so with fishing rather than alcohol. The fish gods had mercy and I got some absolutely stunning brook trout, hopefully not the biggest I catch this week but for a tiny tiny CT stream one fish in particular was really special.

It was very cloudy last night when I fished, and under the forest canopy it was extremely dark despite it only being 7:00. I had to use the flash, which is not optimal, but I think it did that fish justice. Count the red spots, if you dare!


  1. Sometimes life does throw curveballs. Such is life as a human being. You're a lucky man to be in a place to find those beautiful brookies. :)

  2. Sounds like things are under control. Hope the week continues as planned. Nice evening catch.
    Tie, fish, write and photo on.

    1. Things are under control but the trip is already beyond repair.

  3. Sorry to hear. Hope it all worked out!
