Saturday, August 30, 2014

Another Excursion Into the Sticks

Having a full day to kill,  I rose early this morning and geared up for some potential wild trout magic. The ride out to the area was very pleasant. Flowers were in bloom and the air was crisp.

The first stream I fished is apparently home to wild brown trout. I fished it unsuccessfully with dry flies and wets in two stretches. I lost one fair sized trout and caught plenty of chubs. I did do some good though, as I found a wood turtle trapped in a log jam and freed him. He still complained though.

Back on the road, I came across a large pond with plenty of lily pads and an apparent insect hatch (evidenced by a cloud of birds). I saw one large boil. What type of creature it was I do not know. All I know is that I didn't feel like screwing around with bluegills. I went back on the hunt for a wild trout stream. On the way I stopped to check out a glacial erratic that had settled in a very interesting location. I then took the opportunity to photograph the crumbling reminder of the Cold War. The remnants of a Nike Radar site decay in the woods. On the adjacent ridge was the actual launch site.

Eventually I found a suitable Native Brook Trout stream. With careful stalking and probing of every pocked, some absolute gems came to hand.

This little fellow hit five times! His home was the foamy little pocket bellow a slide, shown here:

This one is almost fully colored up! 

Although the hunt for good wild Browns was a failure, the trip was not at all. Some of those natives were pretty good, and I did catch a lot more than are pictured here. And what beautiful weather. 


  1. That wild brown spot is really hit or miss. That deep pool sees its fair share of drunken teenage swimmers. Dog traffic can be intense there too, though not in that pool of course. That place gets some large sea run browns from what I've heard (from striper fishermen), though I haven't targeted them there. Getting to the mouth is supposedly pretty tricky.

    Beautiful brookies!

    1. Yeah, I've given it plenty of chances, and only once did I catch anything. I'll have to look into finding those sea runs though! Thanks for the advice.

  2. Looks like you had a great trip. Those little natives didn't have much water to work with. We always enjoy your photos. Being in the great outdoors is like getting a gift every moment.
    Fish on...

  3. What a beautiful day you had. I love the picture of the city - is that Hartford? It's not that I like city's - far from it... It's that, that picture really show's the road away from the city. It shows that the natural world is not all gone!

    Awesome pic's!
