Sunday, August 7, 2016

Fly Pattern Photo Challenge

There's a couple fishing related challenges going around on FB right now, sort of like the ice bucket challenge that was so popular a short time ago. Micheal Andrews, a Farmington River trout master and skilled fly tier, nominated me today and I figured I might as well add my posts here as well considering the inconsistent nature of my summer fishing (I was out at 4:00 this morning looking for stripers with Adam again, and though neither of us can say we didn't get out shots it was not as productive as Friday and therefore not blog worthy).

Day 1/5: Double Deceiver

There just haven't been enough streamers in this challenge yet... here's a killer, the Double Deceiver. Every tier seems to have their own variation. Great Lakes Deceiver, White River Deceiver... I use white bucktail with a little bit of olive or yellow/brown near the head and an orange clump on the belly. KILLER fly for big bass, walleye, and various members of the Esox family.


  1. Nice challenge, love your tie!! We know it works well. I like your opening photo to.
    Tie, fish write and photo on...

    1. Thanks, I can't take the credit for the challenge.
