Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Long Unwinding Road

South Carolina, Georgian, and Florida all just blend together in the dark. A basically unbroken, straight as an arrow, deer threatening to jump in front of you, dark, tedious, unwinding stretch of Rt. 95 lead Noah and I closer to the real beginning of our adventure.

Beautiful and fish filled though all of the states on our way to Florida are, they aren't where we were going. The adventure would start when the sun rose on Christmas day and we stepped out of the van into a cool Florida morning and looked out over a beautiful sight: mullet jumping, a dolphin hunting the shallows and the sun rising next to the massive NASA Vehicle Assembly Building.

Oh yeah.

 This was it.


  1. Glad you and Noah made it to the fishy waters of FL. We are looking forward to your adventures.
    Tie, fish, write, conserve and photo on...

  2. It wont be as exciting as it will be for you guys... But man, I'm psyched to see how this trip unfolds. Looks like a blast! FL is a heck of a fishy state!

  3. Merry Fishmas! So glad your enjoying another adventure. Looking forward to your continuing posts from Florida. The lack of sunshine here makes your pictures warming.

  4. Aha! I knew space travel was good for something!

    1. Been good for an awful lot of things, I'd say!
