Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Trout Town Bound, and the Previous Day's Fishing

Sorry for the exceptional laziness in posting good material and replying to comments over the last couple of days, I have been rather busy both with the last few weeks of school as well as preparing for the trip I am leaving on tomorrow. To make it all the more difficult I found a runt wood duck duckling on my trip to my home river the other day, and about an hour of searching indicated that it's parents were no longer around, and because it was still in the same spot for that long I thought it best to bring it home. Unfortunately it refused food and water, and when it finally did eat it didn't digest very well. It did, however, begin to imprint on me as and would climb up underneath my chin if I placed it on my stomach, and follow me around in my room. But the stress of being separated from its real mom and siblings was too much. I had to go back to my home water last night. I didn't feel it was right to bury it anywhere else.
So it goes.

More uplifting news: for the next four days I will have only three things on my mind: good fishing, good food, and great company in Roscoe NY. The Connecticut Fly Angler is finally going to catch fish in NY, having caught fish in CT and PA but always skipping over what is arguably the best fly fishing state on the East Coast. I'm still working on packing right now:

Of course I fished a bit over the last couple days, including hunting for bass and pickerel in a lake I hadn't fished in a good five or six years and fishing the salmon for a little while, which is flowing much more healthily now due to the rain. 

Really Dude?


  1. Good Luck on your New York Road trip!!!

  2. Can't wait to hear about your fishing trip in NY. Love those Pickerel! That little bass has big hopes of getting bigger fast. ENJOY!!!
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

  3. I was up there 2 years ago in August and did well on the Willow. I would stop in at the Beaverkill angler in town and ask what has been working. They steered me in the right direction as to fly selection.

    1. You should try Dette's the next time you're up there.

  4. Nice mixed bag of fish, RM. All fun to catch on the fly rod.

    1. Anything is fun on a fly. I've even had fun catching crabs on a fly.

  5. Hope your trip is exciting, brings great photo opportunities, and is everything you hope it will be!
    - G.
