Monday, August 14, 2017

Hankering for a Beast

Since carp are significantly larger than other freshwater fish in the Northeast, a lot of anglers that don't have much experience carp fishing have a skewed image of what a large carp is... and how big a fish really is. I see people calling 12lb carp "huge" and 18lb carp 30 pounders so regularly... it's actually hilarious. Passers by will ooh and ahh over a fish like this on I caught early yesterday morning...

...while I look at it as a fairly run of the mill carp. That's a respectable fish by all means and put up an awesome fight, but it isn't a big carp, and lately I've got a hankering for a truly large common or a big grass carp.

They're the hardest widespread freshwater fish in this area to target on fly, and this year they've been giving me the run around. But I'm not an old dog, and I learn new tricks every time I go out. So, hopefully you'll be seeing something like this within the next month or so:


  1. You are persistent and I can't wait to see the next carp. I'd be happy with Your last catch.
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

    1. Don't mistake wanting to catch a larger fish for my not appreciating that one. That was a great fish and in perfect condition... it just makes me hungry for more and bigger!
