Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I went for natives today, in a beautiful spot I had yet to try. The undergrowth provided a welcome coolness on a hot, foggy day. I found it nearly impossible to keep the camera lens from fogging up, which was annoying when I kept catching gorgeous Char. Many took the Bomber and Humpy in the woods, but when I found a culvert pool beside a road I could see the fish and they wanted something subsurface. A hair's ear did the trick. One was fairly sizable and put up a good fight. All in all, I caught a lot of brook trout, probably something like 11 or 12, and had a wonderful afternoon.


  1. A very subtle area, great water, colorful critters and a good catch.
    Fish on...

    1. Thanks. it may jut be one of the most amazing spots I have fished.

  2. The little frog hiding on the dried leaves is a beautiful picture. Good eye!
