Friday, July 17, 2015

Brook Trout with Brk Trt

This morning I rose with the sun to travel to a thin blue line. Nearby I met a fellow brook trout nut, and one a good many notches higher in the ranks than I. Alan Petrucci's wonderful blog "Small Stream Reflections" is one of the things that first turned my on to fishing small streams for wild trout. He is as passionate about New England's native char as anyone I know.   He is also a good judge of water. We determined after a short fish that this water was not going to behave today, and Alan took me to one I had never been to before.

This new stream was located in a beautiful forest, and it's series of pools, plunges, and waterfalls immediately shouted to me "Brookies live here!". That is very clearly the case, some terrific wild specimens came to both of our hand from this water. The Bomber worked, but in a bit I determined that some of the fish required something deeper. A Royal Coachmen was my best producer.

The first to hand on the wet fly stands out in my memory as one of the most remarkable in the red spot department. Big pink circles graced the flanks of this jewel.

The big one of the day was already in fall colors, a healthy female of good proprtions.

Another stunning fish.
 We fished one more stream, one that Alan says holds some larger brook trout and the occasional brown. It was very good looking water but not generous on this day.

Thanks for sharing your waters friend, and I'm sure this will not be the last time our paths cross in brook trout forest. 


  1. So great to see two extremely capable anglers fish together.

    1. That is often the best way to get good results.

  2. Great post and pictures. The scenery and trout are absolutely beautiful!

  3. RM
    Somehow I knew it was just a matter of time before you guys made a trip together. I envy both you guys--thanks for sharing

  4. It was very enjoyable fishing with you today.
    And the brook trout seemed to cooperate.

  5. What a trip! Is that your first one with Alan? The blue sheen on that big female really stands out as do the pink spots on the others...stunning! I'm surprised that shaded run in the last picture didn't yield anything, but I guess there's always next time.

    1. Yes it was. As Alan said that last stream is either generous or it isn't at all.

  6. Nice trip on those two beautiful streams with a fellow fisherman. The natives look great. Wish I was there!!!
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

  7. Nice outing guys!!!! RM you fished with the best small stream fly fisherman!!!

  8. Always a pleasure when two of us from BlogBuddy land can hook up and fish together for a common love. Nice job, guys. Thanks for sharing the beauty of the stream and those amazing Brookies!

  9. Awesome that you guys got together and handled some beautiful brookies as well. And in July no less!
