Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Aside from following the traditions of most other Americans I have my own Thanksgiving tradition. Every year I have fished a small stream near where our family spends the holidays. It held a good population of brook trout, but this summer I worried for their safety. When I got down to the stream I was glad to see that their was some water in it. Not nearly enough, but more than a few months ago. I tied on a Partridge and Flash Spider and fished it through my favorite pool. On the second cast, before the fly sank, a wild brook trout came up to eat it.

I caught three, photographed two. They were all in one pool. I didn't see a single one anywhere else. Unfortunately this year's drought thinned the population dramatically. If we keep getting dry years like this, these isolated populations are going to disappear. I'm thankful that there are brookies left in this stream and the many hundreds of other thin blue, and that groups like The Sea Run Brook Trout Coalition, Protect Rhode Island Brook Trout and Trout Unlimited continue to work one preserving the species. 


  1. Good reading. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
    - G.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Rowan. Great tradition!

    1. Thank you,
      I try to spend a couple of hours fishing every holiday.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I fear that if we have another dry summer next year this won't be the only stream that loses its brook trout. We need next year to be a wet one. Hopefully this stream's trout hang on.

    1. Thanks,
      My only wish in life is that the wild brook trout in CT streams live on until well after my great grandchildren are gone.

  4. Your traditions are understandable. I'm thankful for your talents in fishing. We have all learned from your adventures. Keep up your good work!
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...

  5. Great way to celebrate by enjoying the very thing for which you are most thankful. Proud of and thankful for you .
