Saturday, November 4, 2017

This is The Fall Run

It took it's time, but now it has gone nuts. Schooling bass are thick in many places now, and all you have to do is take a drive, take look, and take a cast. These fish aren't picky, my favorite flies for them are Hollow Fleyes and larger Deceivers. When you find one you find hundreds. It's just a matter of staying on the schools and changing retrieves as the fish dictate.

We've been fishing a lot of open beach front lately, the bait is there and so are the schooling bass. Small "pocket beaches", between natural points or man made jetties, often trap bait and the stripers take notice.

These are fun little fish, and they are on the move. Huge schools are on there way south, following the warm water and the bait. In places they are as thick as menhaden schools, from the top of the water column to the bottom. It is an amazing thing to see. 


  1. Wonderful photos of what was going on. Fish doing what fish do and anglers doing what they do. NICE !
    Tie, fish, write and photo on...
