Wednesday, November 22, 2017

One Little Leaper

I got a little bit of time on the Shetucket again the other day. It was brutally slow, just one of those days where the salmon don't seem to be moving much. I tried different flies, different sizes, different depths, no confirmed grabs from Salmon. Then, in the final hour, working water I had never fished, I had a salmon come up and hammer my sz. 6 Sugarman Shrimp... when I laid my anchor! I had that fish well hooked and didn't think it would come back for the fly but I retrieved my next cast through that spot and wham, there he was. My first salmon spey casting! Not a big one, but he fought better than some larger broodstock salmon I caught on my last trip.

Hopefully I get to fish for these guys another time or two this year, I'd really like to get a more substantial one.


  1. That is a nice looking fish.

    I've only fished the Shetucket between the old mill at the 219 bridge, and the Scotland Dam. Once in 2016 (December) I had one swim right by me. I can see from your photo that you are not in that section.

    1. That fish was caught well within view of the Scotland Dam.

  2. That was a nice catch and healthy looking. Have a great Thanksgiving!
    Tie, fish, write, eat turkey and photo on...
